the science of self healing method

because feeling “fine” doesn't cut it…

stop just surviving. start THRIVING

Only 2 spots left for WINTER '24

“The Science of Self-Healing Method gave me the roadmap I needed to turn the warning signs around and successfully address my health. Anya's approach is so clearly strategic, heart-filled and supportive. She made connections and gave me options I never heard before. With her guidance, I've been able to create lasting change in my health; even my primary care physician noticed the change. I've never felt this good!"

Alanna w.

I know you've been…


thinking your symptoms aren't "bad enough" to get help so you push it off until “the right time” or when you have “extra money”.


DIY-ing your way through every online recommendation you read only to find yourself frustrated by your low energy, dizzying mood swings and that extra 15lbs that hasn't budged since the pandemic (ugh…)


confused when your Doc says you're “fine” because your tests came back normal. You sure as heck don't feel fine.


skeptical that working with another health specialist will be any different. Your body always seems to be the “outlier” no one can truly help. 


unsure that you'll even have time to do a hundred and ten recommendations so why even try in the first place. 

Receive $500 off when you sign up within 48h of our strategy call.

Unlock wild & vibrant health

When you sign up for 1:1 work with me, you're signing up for a full transformation. Over 6 months, we'll methodically and strategically uncover and remove the obstacles that stand between you and your best physical self using functional tests and customized protocols.  


The best part? Since we are addressing your symptoms at their root, the results we get in mere months will last way into the future.


Let's set the pace and the path for your most abundant life…together. 

Limited spots available

The world profits on making women feel permanently broken and ever in need of improvement…usually in the form of meds or quick (and temporary!) solutions. 


Few of us are taught that our bodies are powerful, beautiful organisms capable of innately healing and transforming.

Here's what we'll do…


We start by giving you the “best ever” intake appointment. Together we'll set goals and create a vision for what we'll be achieving. 


Then, we collect our data through functional tests and put in motion some low effort, high impact changes. 


Based on the data we get back, I create a customized plan that gets you from “tired” to “thriving”


We meet 1-2x a month to give you 1:1 support and accountability. You also have access to unlimited 1:1 messaging in-between consults. 


We quantify your gains using symptom trackers and make any adjustments needed to increase your progress. 


At the end of 6 months, we look back at the transformation we've made and give you a plan to “future-proof” your results. 

This program is:


Get a customized & comprehensive strategy to reclaim your metabolism, hormones, mind and mood guided by real data collected on your body and lifestyle using Functional diagnostics you won't find in your doctor's office.


Get supported with 1:1 consults as well as unlimited text or voice messages between consults. We keep accountability high so that you are never in danger of not reaching your goals.


We don't just quiet symptoms here...we heal at the root of the issue to unlock vibrant, glowing and sustainably limitless living.

So, if you're ready to…


on interventions that don't work, shopping bags full of supplements, diets and workout routines that only provide  temporary results or medications that come with a list of side-effects as long as your arm *womp womp*. It's time to use a proven method to get you the outcome you desire. 




build a ridiculous amount of self-love

Our bodies are always working for us, but when we're not feeling our best, it's easy to feel like it's the enemy. It's hard to be “feelin yo'self” when you're struggling with your physical health and energy. Those problems all end here. 




       unlock the next level            

It's not at all uncommon to see clients completely change their lives for the better once they go through a program as empowering and physically transformative as this one. 

What they perceived as their limitations and “ceilings” become the foundations for deeper connection, more fulfilling relationships and more abundance in their lives. 


Book your Self-Healing Strategy call today to discover if this is for you.

+ sign up for SSHM within 2 days of your call to get $500 off.






I created the Science of Self-Healing Method because I know what it feels like to have my life hijacked by symptoms. 

Perseverance for finding a “better way” pushed me to dig through my own diagnostic results and tests in a way that my doctors, through no fault of their own, were not trained or equipped to do. After some time (and a couple of new credentials behind my name!), I begin to uncover and target the underlying reasons that contributed to my symptoms the most. 

And guess what… they were NOT at all what my MDs thought they were! 

It was through my own experience that I learned about a comprehensive and lasting method for restoring hormonal and digestive balance in the body.

Ever since then, it's been my passion to help others shed the symptoms that have been holding them back from living the most fulfilling version of their lives.

We're well liked…

“…I always feel better after talking to you. Thank you for being my support and…guiding me on the right path for my health. Your care for your clients really shows and I appreciate you.”


“When I received an auto-immune diagnosis, my specialist told me my only option was to go on a drug with really bad side effects. I knew I had to find another solution. After working with you I've been able to avoid needing medication to manage my diagnosis which was something my doctors never thought I'd be able to do. I think you've changed my life…”


Let's create some overflow…

I know you want to deepen your relationships and your ability to give to others because you wouldn’t be thinking about working on yourself otherwise.


But here’s what I want you to know. 

You can’t give what you don’t have.


When you prioritize your wellness and your overall health, you can show up better for the things, moments and people that matter.


I can’t wait to help you on this journey.